Persistent Problems in Education: Pushing for Progress

Navigating the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, let’s take a look at the persistent problems facing education and explore ways Who is Hussain is pushing for progress and improvement, and how you can get involved.

The crisis in education is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects individuals and communities around the world. In particular, refugees and women often face significant barriers to accessing education, leading to a perpetuation of inequalities and a missed opportunity for personal and societal development.

For refugees, the challenges to education can be especially acute. Many are forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or natural disasters, often leaving behind their possessions and opportunities for education. In some cases, refugees may arrive in host countries without any documentation, making it difficult for them to enrol in schools or access other educational resources.

In addition, the physical infrastructure of education can be disrupted or destroyed in times of conflict, leaving refugees without access to schools or other learning opportunities. This can have particularly negative consequences for young children, who miss out on critical stages of development and may struggle to catch up later in life.

Women and the ongoing war that is a lack of access to education

Women also face significant barriers to education, particularly in developing countries. In some cases, cultural norms and gender roles may discourage or prohibit women from pursuing education. Poverty can also be a major barrier, as families may prioritise the education of boys over girls in order to increase their earning potential.

The lack of education can have serious consequences for women, including lower rates of employment, higher rates of poverty, and a greater risk of exploitation and abuse. It can also perpetuate the cycle of gender inequality, as women with less education may have fewer opportunities to advocate for their own rights and the rights of others.

However, there is still much work to be done.

To truly address the crisis of education, it is important to recognize the specific challenges faced by refugees and women and to prioritise their access to education as a key component of any efforts to promote social and economic development. The International Day of Education marked globally on 24 January, this year, focuses on prioritising education as a way to “invest in people”. By doing so, we can help to create a more equitable and prosperous world for all. 

The impact of COVID-19 on education systems has been colossal

With the COVID-19 pandemic having had a profound impact on education systems around the world, schools have had to abruptly shift to remote learning, leading to unequal access to education and a rise in learning gaps. Many students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, have struggled to keep up with their studies due to a lack of resources such as reliable internet connection and personal devices. To provide some assistance during the height of the pandemic, the Who is Hussain team in Birmingham, UK provided 20 laptops to children from disadvantaged backgrounds to use for their home learning during COVID-19.

The shift to remote learning has also highlighted the importance of in-person education and the role it plays in facilitating socialisation and providing a sense of community. The mental health and well-being of students has suffered as a result of the isolation caused by the pandemic.

 So, what can be done to help?

The good news is that there are efforts being made to address these challenges and improve access to education for refugees and women. This includes initiatives by international organisations, governments, and civil society groups to provide educational resources, build schools, and create programs to support the education of these marginalised groups.

There are many ways that people can get involved with Who is Hussain’s educational initiatives and help out. One way is by volunteering with the organisation. Who is Hussain relies on volunteers to help with various programs and initiatives, including a Tutoring and Mentorship program. Volunteering with Who is Hussain allows individuals to contribute their time, skills, and resources to help improve education and support disadvantaged communities. Many have already contributed to a number of initiatives Who is Hussain teams have undertaken globally. Such as:

  1. A Book Drive initiative, in Dallas, Texas, where volunteers collected and distributed books to schools and libraries in need, with the goal of promoting literacy and a love of reading.
  2. A Tutoring and Mentorship program, in Kentucky, paired volunteers with students in need of extra support, providing one-on-one tutoring and mentorship to help improve academic performance.
  3. The Back to School drive in Miami, Florida which worked in partnership with other local charities and supplied some of Miami’s most underprivileged children with everyday school essentials
  4. The distribution of school uniforms to underprivileged children in Arusha, Tanzania, supporting their basic needs and promoting focusing on education first
  5. A school book distribution in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to over 800 students which increased access to education and improved learning outcomes
  6. The annual Who is Hussain backpack drive, now in its 7th year, organised by the team in Chicago, and aims to provide stationery and backpack essentials to children from low-income families to get them through the academic year

There is much more to be done, donating is just the tip of the iceberg!

The education crisis caused by the pandemic is complex and multifaceted. It requires innovative solutions and a concerted effort from educators, policymakers, and communities to address the challenges and ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed. This may involve providing access to resources such as technology and internet connectivity, implementing blended learning models, and finding ways to support the social and emotional needs of students.

If you can’t volunteer, or are struggling to find the time, another way to get involved is by donating to Who is Hussain. The organisation relies on donations to fund its various programs and initiatives, and every contribution helps to make a difference. Donations can be made online through the Who is Hussain website here and can be one-time or recurring, depending on your preference, or ability.

In addition to volunteering and donating, people can also support Who is Hussain by spreading awareness about the organisation and its work. This can be done through social media, word-of-mouth, and other forms of outreach. By sharing information about Who is Hussain and its initiatives, individuals can help to raise awareness and encourage others to get involved and make a difference.

Overall, there are many ways that people can get involved with Who is Hussain and help to promote education and improve welfare globally. It is important that we prioritise the education of our youth and work towards building a more equitable and resilient education system. Only by addressing the current crisis can we hope to create a brighter future for all students. Whether through volunteering, donating, or spreading awareness, every effort makes a positive impact and helps to create a better future for all.

More about Who is Hussain:

Who is Hussain is a non-profit organisation that works to promote education and improve welfare globally. The organisation focuses on providing educational resources and support to disadvantaged communities, with the goal of improving access to education and promoting lifelong learning. Who is Hussain also works to raise awareness about the importance of education and the challenges facing disadvantaged communities. 

Through its various initiatives and programs, Who is Hussain aims to make a positive impact on the education and welfare of individuals and communities around the world.

For more information, or to get involved, visit our website.

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