5 practical ways you can give back to society!

In these long summer days, we all have an extra couple of hours a week spare! Whilst that means more time with friends and family, it’s also a great time to think about giving back to society and helping those in need!

In these long summer days, we all have an extra couple of hours a week spare! Whilst that means more time with friends and family, it’s also a great time to think about giving back to society and helping those in need!

Whilst you can obviously do that by donating to a charitable appeal, there are also tonnes of practical, creative non-financial ways you can give back. Below is a list of some of the awesome things you can do to give back without spending a single penny!

1) Donate your blood!

Surprisingly simple and straightforward! It takes less than an hour from start to finish, nearly everyone is eligible and every session, you can literally save up to three lives! And the best bit: most hospitals give you free biscuits and crisps afterwards!  Who is Hussain reps around the world have partnered with their countries’ respective national health services to organise blood donation events. Last year alone, volunteers have given over 2130 units of blood, saving an estimated 6390 lives! If you’re unsure how to get going, contact your local rep who will let you know what’s going on in your area!

2) Volunteer at a homeless shelter or food bank

Unfortunately, homelessness is on the rise around the world. Almost every area now has a soup kitchen or food bank. Try calling your local one to see if they could do with any extra help! Food banks generally look for both regular volunteers and one-offs around busy times of year. Our London, UK ambassadors are always looking for volunteers to help them run their weekly food drive for the homeless in Central London, and our Birmingham, UK ambassadors could always use a hand at the  food bank they’ve set up in their city.

3) Befriend an elderly person

Over three and a half million people in the UK live alone, 2 million of whom are over 75. 1.9 million of them often feel ‘ignored’ or ‘invisible’. Research shows that loneliness can be as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Why not consider giving back by committing to occasionally calling an older person to keep them company and give them someone to talk to? In the UK, AgeUK can connect you with an older person suffering from loneliness, for a once-weekly half an hour phone call.

4) Spend a morning (or afternoon!) cleaning out your house

As the saying goes, one man’s junk is another’s treasure! Take a few hours to clear out your house and donate all the things you don’t need to a local charity shop! Start with your cupboard and you’ll be shocked at how many things you find that you haven’t worn in years! You’ll be giving back as well as decluttering your house! (Note: charity shops need things they are able to sell, so your donation should be in good condition and usable.)

5) Use your unique knowledge/skills

Everyone has something they’re good at. What’s your skill? Maybe you’re good with graphic design? Perhaps you could teach English to refugees? Maybe you have a passion for knitting? Whatever it is, charities and non-profits the world over are constantly looking for volunteers to help in whatever little way they can. Figure out what your talent is and start using it to give back!

These are just 5 simple suggestions, we’d love to hear your ideas too! Tweet us @whoishussain with your ideas!

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